Panorama nyheter er et uavhengig nettsted om bistand, globale forhold og internasjonal utvikling. Sjefsredaktøren er ansvarlig for innholdet.
Selina holds her one-week-old daughter Akaru as her father Emanikor rests near the hut where they live in Chok Chok village, located in Turkana County, northwest Kenya on October 14, 2024. Due to the severe drought that is affecting the country, Selina and her family are forced to drink water that they fetches from the nearest river - located about 15 kilometers from their village - which is not clean and often causes infections or diseases, including dysentery, a leading cause of death among children under 5.Alessio Paduano
På grunn av ekstrem tørke, må Selina Naukota gå 15 kilometer for å hente drikkevann – som ikke er rent.
Akaru, one-week-old sleeps in a hut in Chok Chok village, located in Turkana County, northwest Kenya on October 14, 2024. Due to the severe drought that is affecting the country, Akaru is forced to drink the water that her mother Selina fetches from the nearest river - located about 15 kilometers from their village - which is not clean and often causes infections or diseases, including dysentery, a leading cause of death among children under 5.Alessio Paduano
Datteren Akaru er en uke gammel og sover i skyggen fra stråhytta til familien i Chok Chok-landsbyen i Turkana, nordvest i Kenya.
A child fetches water from the dried Turkwel River in Chok Chok village, located in Turkana County, northwest Kenya on October 14, 2024. Due to the severe drought that is affecting the country, many people are forced to drink water that they fetch from the underground, which is not clean and often causes infections or diseases, including dysentery, a leading cause of death among children under 5.Alessio Paduano
Skittent drikkevann kan gi infeksjoner og akutt diarésykdom – som er en av de vanligste dødsårsakene blant barn under fem år i Afrika.
Semi-arid earth in a section of the dried Kawalase river located in Turkana County, northwest Kenya on October 21, 2024. Kenya's rivers are drying up rapidly, with low rainfall and global warming being among the main causes of this phenomenon.Alessio Paduano
Kenya – den verste vannkrisen på 40 år
A general view of the dried Turkwel River in Chok Chok village, located in Turkana County, northwest Kenya on October 14, 2024. Kenya's rivers are drying up rapidly, with low rainfall and global warming being among the main causes of this phenomenon.Alessio Paduano
Millioner av mennesker mangler stabil tilgang til trygge vannkilder.
A child pushes a wheelbarrow inside a dried river in Lochwangamatak village, located in Turkana County, northwest Kenya on October 18, 2024. Kenya's rivers are drying up rapidly, with low rainfall and global warming being among the main causes of this phenomenon.Alessio Paduano
Kenya er et av landene som er hardest rammet av klimaendringene.
Tidligere fulgte tørken forutsigbare sesong-sykluser, men nå kommer den stadig oftere og er mer intens.
Two women rest on the dried Kalotumum riverbed, before starting to fetche water in Kerio, located in Turkana County, northwest Kenya on October 15, 2024. Due to the severe drought that is affecting the country, many people are forced to drink water that they fetch from the underground, which is not clean and often causes infections or diseases.Alessio Paduano
Elver, innsjøer og vannreservoarer tørker sakte ut.
Natagor (left) and his brother Nataluc (right) sit on their ekicholong, a traditional stool that is specifically owned by turkana men in the Katapokori village, northwest Kenya on October 16, 2024. Due to the severe drought that is affecting the country, lots of the animals that Natagor and Nataluc owned have died.Alessio Paduano
Slik som de fleste kenyanere, jobber Natagor og broren Nataluc med jordbruk.
De er sårbare for ustabilt vær, og har mistet mange av husdyrene sine på grunn av tørken.
Women fetche water from the dried Kalotumum River in Kerio, located in Turkana County, northwest Kenya on October 17, 2024. Due to the severe drought that is affecting the country, many people are forced to drink water that they fetch from the underground, which is not clean and often causes infections or diseases. According a 2023 UN Water Development Report, groundwater levels are falling, forcing some communities to drill wells twice as deep as they were a decade ago.Alessio Paduano
En gruppe kvinner graver etter grunnvann fra den uttørkede Kalotumum-elven i Kerio.
A malnourished child sleeps on the floor of the Chok Chok dispensary, located in Turkana County, northwest Kenya on October 14, 2024. The Chok Chok dispensary was founded in 2016 by the Turkana Country Government and thanks to the "Nutrition Program" once a week it welcomes women and children from the surrounding villages to provide them with medicines, food supplements and to monitor their health conditions, which are put at risk by the severe drought that is affecting the country.Alessio Paduano
Å drikke grunnvann kan være helseskadelig og forårsaker ofte sykdommer og infeksjoner.
Vivian, 3 years old suffering from malaria cries as a doctor measures her temperature and her mother Gladys holds her in her arms inside the examination room of the Kangatosa Health Centre located in Turkana County, northwest Kenya on October 19, 2024. Little girls often go fetching water with their mothers in areas where stagnant pools of water form and mosquitoes that carry the malaria parasite proliferate. Over the past three years Kenya has suffered from intense drought, partly caused by global warming, which also provides favourable conditions for the development of these mosquitoes.Alessio Paduano
På helseklinikken Kangatosa i Turkana måler en lege temperaturen på tre år gamle Vivian Asibitar.
Hun har malaria.
Children sit near a well dug to fetche water from the dried Kalotumum River in Kerio, located in Turkana County, northwest Kenya on October 17, 2024. Due to the severe drought that is affecting the country, many people are forced to drink water that they fetch from the underground, which is not clean and often causes infections or diseases.Alessio Paduano
Unge jenter følger ofte mødrene sine for å hente vann. Ved stillestående vannpytter trives myggen som bærer malariaparasitten.
A woman (right) gets ready to use therapeutic food from Kennedy Ekalimon, manager of “Nutrition Program” (left) at the Chok Chok dispensary, located in Turkana County, northwest Kenya on October 14, 2024. The Chok Chok dispensary was founded in 2016 by the Turkana Country Government and thanks to the "Nutrition Program" once a week it welcomes women and children from the surrounding villages to provide them with medicines, food supplements and to monitor their health conditions, which are put at risk by the severe drought that is affecting the country.Alessio Paduano
En kvinne får terapeutisk mat av Kennedy Ekalimon, som leder et matprogram på Chok Chok-apoteket.
Apoteket tar imot kvinner og barn fra omkringliggende landsbyer for å gi dem medisiner, kosttilskudd og overvåke helsetilstanden deres.
Ariong, 60 years old lies on a bed after doctors diagnosed him with anemia and low blood pressure at Katilu sub-country hospital located in Turkana County, northwest Kenya on October 18, 2024. The severe drought in Kenya is generating food insecurity and difficult access to water. These two factors, in addition to high temperatures, are the main causes of low blood pressure and anemia, especially in older people.Alessio Paduano
Ariong Epeyon er 60 år og behandles for anemi og lavt blodtrykk.
Tørke, matusikkerhet og dårlig tilgang til drikkevann fører til denne lidelsen, spesielt hos eldre mennesker.
Children eat leaves from an Esekon tree inside the Loreng’elop village, located in Turkana County, northwest Kenya on October 21, 2024. Due to the food insecurity generated by the severe drought, children living in the hot and dry areas of Kenya are forced to eat only the leaves of the trees for very long periods and for this reason they can easily contract infections or diseases.Alessio Paduano
I de varmeste og tørreste områdene, slik som i landsbyen Loreng’elop, spiser barna de næringsfattige bladene fra Esekon-trærne i lange perioder.
A man fills water cans using a mechanical extractor placed on the dried Napasinyang riverbed in Kalokol, located in Turkana County, northwest Kenya on October 15, 2024. Some people have turned the severe drought that is affecting the country into a real business, selling each 20-litre water tank for 5 Kenyan shillings. However, the water that they fetch from the underground, is not clean and often causes infections or diseases.Alessio Paduano
Den alvorlige tørken kan også bli business. 20-liters vanntanker selges for fem kenyanske shilling.
A man fetches water with a mechanical extractor from the dried Napasinyang riverbed in Kalokol, located in Turkana County, northwest Kenya on October 15, 2024. Some people have turned the severe drought that is affecting the country into a real business, selling each 20-litre water tank for 5 Kenyan shillings. However, the water that they fetch from the underground, is not clean and often causes infections or diseases.Alessio Paduano
Vannet er hentet opp med en mekanisk oppsamler i den uttørkede Napasinyang-elvebunnen i Kalokol.
Children play with mud on the bank of the dried Kawalasee River in Lodwar, northwest Kenya on October 19, 2024. Kenya's rivers are drying up rapidly, with low rainfall and global warming being among the main causes of this phenomenon.Alessio Paduano
Ifølge FN har Afrika snart én femdel av verdens innbyggere, men står bare for tre–fire prosent av alle CO2-utslippene.
A child sits on the street in the Katapokori village, northwest Kenya on October 16, 2024. Katapokori is one of the villages most affected by the severe drought in Kenya, that is generating food insecurity and difficult access to water. Many people are forced to drink water that they fetch from the underground, which is not clean and often causes infections or diseases.Alessio Paduano
De som har bidratt minst til klimautslippene bærer den tyngste byrden, ofte med egen helse og liv som innsats.